The Ancient Ibicenco Fighting Art of Search Engine Optimisation

Monday, July 28, 2008

Google's Silly PR Games

So you cant fail to have noticed Google updated their toolbar PR again over the weekend, much to the dismay or glee of the majority of SEO civilians on DP and other forums who've been either crying like little lassies about meaningless demotions or gloating as though the propaganda they've been fed means anything at all on the battlefield.

HQ did ok if you believe the hype, up from domain 4 to 5, as did we, up from 3 to 4.

...However we just want to point out exactly why this is relatively meaningless to anyone but SEO Civvies. The 3 experimental pages on our main site, were named and titled as the target experimental search terms, that we have been testing since inception, ie..

SEO Power, - SEO Engine Room, & SEO Experiments & Theories. (links to pages)

As our site is now a mighty SEO war machine, as you would expect, all three of these phrases on show our relevant page in easy top 5 positions,

The phrase SEO Engine Room currently has our page in the #1 position above a domain and site actually called that.

The phrase SEO Power also has the page alternating between #2 and #3, again nudged right up underneath a domain of the same name. These pages were awarded a toolbar of PR4.

The final page however, SEO Experiments & Theories performs every bit as well as it's counterparts in two different searches, SEO Experiments & SEO Theories and is actually in more distinguished company, up there with the very serious Mr Martinez, and others who likely take their SEO experiments far more seriously than us..

and yet what did the Google toolbar Pagerank propaganda machine see fit to award the experiments page in the last skirmish?

...Yep, it's greyed out, which if you believe the thronging civvy hordes means it's supplemental, useless etc.. . Useless our SEO Warriors arses!! Try the searches for yourselves..

Google search SEO Engine Room & Google search SEO Engine

Google search SEO Power & Google search Power SEO (24 million pages)

Google search SEO Experiments & Google search SEO Theories

If you've assembled your Google SERP weaponry correctly "T3h Real Pagerank" is surging through your sites, whether you can see it or not. It's there, whatever misinformation or propaganda you're fed via the Toolbar, so just forget about it, and crack on, or the spoils of SERP war will be coming home with us tonight ;)

Over and out.



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