Right listen up, ok this whole superior nonsense is all getting a bit surreal.
If there were a competition as to who could say the same few
simple seo sentences, the most times, in the most (only very slightly) different ways, it would
definitely be tied at the top between these two superior pretenders.
Recce team are tonight reporting that
superior seo design is looking like being once again back under Ibicenco control as the
SEO Ibiza superior seo system winds up to full power.
We would expect it to yo-yo for a while before settling permanently.

What's funny is that HQ really couldn't care less, but
had they been bragging to all and sundry about it on twitter for weeks.. ..well one would
think the shame would be
pretty bad to lose it again, for any length of time, wouldn't it..? :)
In the
meantime the traffic-less trophy term "
superior seo" search now looks like a newbie SEO v1.0 technique practice ground, with more superior seo spam
splatting into Google's index daily..
Butch isnt out of the (2nd place and below ;) ) running yet, which is hardly surprising as he is
the SEO Master, the
true "5E0 Ma5t4" (and can do for you what
no-one else can) and has prepared a high quality superior seo
blogspot post to show us this again very recently..
"Search Engine m'Optimizashun (or SEO to us masters) is the Art and Science of getting your website to rank, m'kay?"
superior seo web design comedian is on a
stupendous article & press release binge of truly g
argantuan proportions, daily his nonsense appears in the SERP sometimes hourly, and the cheeky monkey is
only now quoting a line from our site in
this nonsense and
then adding his own
totally wrong spin to the end of our sentence.. .. and
without link attribution too, tut tut..
The latest masterpiece from the superior seo web design
spam team has the paragraph quoted below and dissected at length by us..
...Now there are a lot of SEO experts out there who will insist that they know what they’re doing. That they have Google’s “number” and can put you at the top of the search engines.
Lol, boy oh boy there certainly are.
...There’s a couple of things you might want to check though before putting your hard earned money down though. Have them give you a couple of references, folks that they’ve worked with.
Hahaha yes,
this search is an
awesome display of obtaining a client #1 ranking OUT OF 1 PAGE in Google :)
...As a very trusted source in the SEO world puts it:
Lol, thats
us, we are
definitely a trusted source, oh
yes.. ;)
Superior SEO in the world of web2.0+ is a vision of a world with links by users, for users, that users may actually click
Ok SEO Ibiza copyright stops
there. this next line is
all clown.
Ensuring that your site has the most it possibly can is the way for your site to be seen appropriately by the search engines.
WTF??!!! No it f***king isnt, we never said that, can't you read? Look again, at the bold bit, and tell us where we said "
get the most we possibly can" ??
Tell us where it says spam the f**k out of articles rehashing the same nonsense over and over and over ad infinitum, put out press releases, get your nonsense into the news, embarrass yourself, whilst
MIS quoting us?
Superior SEO is about
content you muppets, and content is
not just the same thing repeated over and over and over again, either onpage, or in oldstyle Google index spamming of press releases and articles NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO READ (well seriously, anyway)
when you read this, you should really have a look through the SEO Master's collection of Superior SEO spam, it's far more extensive than yours, (so far, granted at this rate you'll catch him quickly) and see how far articles and press releases got
him in this comedy SERP.
Final note, our spec ops
superior seo design project is coming along nicely, see screenshot below, we still have to just swap just a
couple of the positions around, but it's coming, oh, it's
coming.. ;)