It's only just occurred to the Military that although things are slowly coming round on the ground in Iraq, their SERP is still completely unsecured, in fact, "wide open" would be a good description. So we have orders to mobilize immediately and secure the position.
Several things to watch out for lads, after the failure of the US initial approach..

..and the surprise success of the sheep-powered rocket launchers in the SEO Afghanistan campaign, they now seem to have wholesale adopted the:
..attitude, and are now embracing animal weaponry with a vengeance.
"if you can't beat them, join them"
Sheep are obviously in hot demand..

and Donkey bombs are in blatent use on both sides now..

Not to mention the new superbreed of "War Donkeys"..

So keep your eyes and ears open (for loud baa-ing and braying sounds mostly..) and lets get in there, get the job done and get out again without any more of that nonsense from last time, right?
Absolutely no more of that Taliban-trolling ok? ..yes, yes I know it was funny, but we're not here for fun, this is serious seo business, got it?

Ok, you know the drill, Radio Silence until those Iraqi ladies are safe and sound..
Over and out.
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