Word just in from HQ, prepare to mobilise and ship out at 01.00 hours.
They've identified an unsecured comedy niche in the SEO Afghanistan SERPS and spec ops have been ordered to take, secure and hold it, (ready for the lucrative rebuilding contracts that will surely come, one day.. )
We expect heavy resistance from the Suicide Google bombers in particular and and the fearsome new secret weapon identified by the boys over at Strategy Page is of particular concern.

word has it they've recently also developed basic naval capabilities

And with most of our seo recon small business keyword snipers now permanently based at SBS Sniper Headquarters it's going to be a tough one lads.. day or two at the very least
Ok you know the drills, radio silence now until their ladies are all safe and sound.. ;)
Spec Ops out.
Update coming in 01.40 am,
position captured and secured, digging in now...

News, reports, analysis and pictures from Afghanistan, With Afghan Citizen Blog http://afghancitizen.blogspot.com
hello Baktash.
We moved your comment from the other blog to here where it will do you more good SEO wise, as its a relevant dofollow link.
Your blog is deeply moving to read, and I am very sorry for any part my country have played in the continuing and senseless further destruction of yours.
keep on writing, people need to hear and know what life is like there for you.
best regards from Ibiza.
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