Good girl, its ours too, as well as of course our real home. Danni is apparently also planning to party hard when she comes here later this month.
"I am off to Ibiza, my spiritual home, next week for some much needed TLC with my girlfriends. It will be my last holiday until December when ''X Factor'' finishes, so I am going to make the most of it. I love to party and I will also be hitting the beach," she said.We have a request please Danni? ..can you hurry up and buy that house here, you and your sister, (whatever her name was) forget now, really are most welcome. :)
It would help take our minds off credit crunch and impending recession no end, and if you feel like that about Ibiza now, just wait till you've lived here for a while.

..while she's looking around she could stay in our luxury villas collection in the link above?
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