Ok lads, R & R is over, back at it.
First up, back in blighty, we have HQ's
Web Mania "project", which although gathering pace..

... is yet to make page 1 for their name, so let's get that sorted ASAP.
Secondly, back on the home front, HQ are ramping up the serp defence ops on "
SEO Services Ibiza" against
Braveheart and fortifying the main brand with a scrolling real-time box:

... and a new universal search (video) presence

See also :
SEO services Ibiza and the
SEO Ibiza Youtube channel
These new outposts are to be positioned either directly above or immediately below the real-time pop-out forthwith.
However before you some of you go getting
too excited about those Scottish lassies, you should bear in mind that the entire SEO Scotland counter-attack is looking very likely to be canceled due to a distinct lack of long-range recce volunteers or interest.
Ok, as you were, Ibiza out.
Sitrep 26-01-2011 UK Perimeter secured, coming on nicely lads..