First up, back in blighty, we have HQ's Web Mania "project", which although gathering pace..

... is yet to make page 1 for their name, so let's get that sorted ASAP.
Secondly, back on the home front, HQ are ramping up the serp defence ops on "SEO Services Ibiza" against Braveheart and fortifying the main brand with a scrolling real-time box:

... and a new universal search (video) presence

See also : SEO services Ibiza and the SEO Ibiza Youtube channel
These new outposts are to be positioned either directly above or immediately below the real-time pop-out forthwith.
However before you some of you go getting too excited about those Scottish lassies, you should bear in mind that the entire SEO Scotland counter-attack is looking very likely to be canceled due to a distinct lack of long-range recce volunteers or interest.
Ok, as you were, Ibiza out.
Sitrep 26-01-2011 UK Perimeter secured, coming on nicely lads..

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