This is the unofficialSEOibiza blog, the "official" SEO company one is here: Blog HQ
This remains as a forgotten outpost for our extreme long range recon & fighting units & as such is a place of man-talk, extreme irreverence, merriment mirth and gloating... fact, nobody will take any responsibility for anything said here at all ;)
This is intended to be tongue-in-cheek humour on the lighter side of SEO. We mean no-one any offense, except those we thoroughly abuse.
We are also not trying to educate people about SEO here, but if you can stand our brand of humor you could well pick up a tip or two.
..this would be most likely to happen at the following posts.
This is a DOFOLLOW organisation, the full comment policy is in the dofollow link, genuine comments welcomed and doubly so by people who get the humor...
Spammers may be outed and embarrassed, we know the difference, be warned.
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