Ok so apparently seo comedian from the previous post is now to be taken at least semi- seriously as he is now up to #2 for Superior SEO using what some might label not so superior seo web design techniques.
Having backed off from a serious discussion about Superior SEO web design here promising to calm down, we have it on good authority he's quitely gone off "to prove that lot wrong, my way is the best way 10k words in a scrollbar rules!! .." etc. :)
However due to Google still being eminently spammable, its working for the moment anyway.
HQ have already called in the airstrikes but Google is being slow in caching so we're on the case as well now. This might well end up a bit like bullying the retarded kid in the playground by the time it's finished, but well hey, this is serious SEO ethics business,
because you rank for a phrase, does not mean you are that phrase.. ..that would be like ranking for "genius amazing brain surgeon"
.. get lost with your scalpel nutter!Of course this applies to us too, but we are not spamming Twitter, Propellor article - marketing for links all aimed at these silly phrases and generally telling everyone else we can find who will listen, how great we are because we rank for a silly phrase.
Superior SEO Design our collective arses, the game is now on.
edit 07-07-09 click -->>link<<-- ..to see why HQ really aren't bothered by anything except the misappropriation of the word "superior" here.
..all those superior seo #1's - traffic value? nil.edit 09-07-09 .. dear oh dear.

Nobody hates you, mirth is a very different thing to hate, "Power Twit" is about right though.. ;)
edit 19-08-09 TN insists on various funny spamblogs he runs that he isnt spamming.
check .. http://superiorseowebdesign.wordpress.com :)